Before the Silver Cord is Severed, 2023

Before the Silver Cord is Severed, 2023

44 x 60.5 inches

Acrylic paint, soft pastel, graphite, foil, and paper collage on paper

The Presence of a Necessary and Generous Law, 2023

The Presence of a Necessary and Generous Law, 2023

60 x 72 inches

Acrylic paint, acrylic collage, and canvas collage on canvas

Fate’s Arrangement, 2023

Fate’s Arrangement, 2023

60 x 36 inches

Soft pastel, acrylic paint, graphite, and paper collage on paper

Brought by Braided Dawn, 2023

Brought by Braided Dawn, 2023

60 × 48 inches

Acrylic paint, acrylic collage, and cotton mesh on panel

[Detail] Brought by Braided Dawn, 2023

[Detail] Brought by Braided Dawn, 2023

60 × 48 inches

Acrylic paint, acrylic collage, and cotton mesh on panel

Acedia, 2023

Acedia, 2023

61 x 37 inches

Acrylic paint, soft pastel, graphite, and paper collage on paper

More Promise in its Inception, 2023

More Promise in its Inception, 2023

32 x 62 inches

Acrylic paint, soft pastel, graphite, and paper collage on paper

Unseared by Memory, 2023

Unseared by Memory, 2023

24 x 18 inches

Acrylic paint, acrylic collage, and canvas collage on panel

[Detail] Unseared by Memory, 2023

[Detail] Unseared by Memory, 2023

24 x 18 inches

Acrylic paint, acrylic collage, and canvas collage on panel

In Equal Scale Weighing Delight and Dole, 2023

In Equal Scale Weighing Delight and Dole, 2023

29 x 47 inches

Acrylic paint, soft pastel, graphite, and paper collage on paper

The Language of Consequence, 2023

The Language of Consequence, 2023

18 x 18 inches

Acrylic paint, acrylic collage, and cotton mesh on panel

One Who Slides Through Time, 2022

One Who Slides Through Time, 2022

25 x 55.5 inches

soft pastel, graphite, acrylic paint, and paper collage on paper

One of Another, 2023

One of Another, 2023

20 x 16 inches

Acrylic paint and acrylic collage on panel

[Detail] One of Another, 2023

[Detail] One of Another, 2023

20 x 16 inches

Acrylic paint and acrylic collage on panel

Waiting Knows All Days and Hours, 2023

Waiting Knows All Days and Hours, 2023

62 x 30.5 inches

Acrylic paint, soft pastel, graphite, foil, and paper collage on paper

The Transitional Landscape of Waking from a Dream, 2023

The Transitional Landscape of Waking from a Dream, 2023

24 × 24 inches

Acrylic paint, acrylic collage, and cotton mesh on panel

[Detail] The Transitional Landscape of Waking from a Dream, 2023

[Detail] The Transitional Landscape of Waking from a Dream, 2023

24 × 24 inches

Acrylic paint, acrylic collage, and cotton mesh on panel

The Kindler, 2022

The Kindler, 2022

Acrylic paint and acrylic collage on panel

24x12 inches

Elder Eros, 2021

Elder Eros, 2021

46 x 16 inches

Acrylic paint, acrylic collage, and silver leaf on canvas

[Detail] Elder Eros, 2021

[Detail] Elder Eros, 2021

46 x 16 inches

Acrylic paint, acrylic collage, and silver leaf on canvas

The Riddler, 2022

The Riddler, 2022

Acrylic paint and acrylic collage on canvas

12x12 inches

Noman, 2021

Noman, 2021

68 ¼ x 62 ½ inches [framed]

Graphite, colored pencil, pastel, and paper collage on found paper

Habituated to the Vast, 2021

Habituated to the Vast, 2021

20 x 24 inches

Acrylic paint and acrylic collage on panel

[Detail] Habituated to the Vast, 2021

[Detail] Habituated to the Vast, 2021

20 x 24 inches

Acrylic paint and acrylic collage on panel

 Monad (Unit One), 2021

Monad (Unit One), 2021

30 x 40 inches

Acrylic paint and acrylic collage on canvas

[Detail] Monad (Unit One), 2021

[Detail] Monad (Unit One), 2021

30 x 40 inches

Acrylic paint and acrylic collage on canvas

You Said You Need No Wants, But You Do, 2021

You Said You Need No Wants, But You Do, 2021

64 x 96 inches

Acrylic paint and acrylic collage on canvas

Herwa (Protectress), 2021

Herwa (Protectress), 2021

30 x 60 inches

Acrylic paint and acrylic collage on panel

[Detail] Herwa (Protectress), 2021

[Detail] Herwa (Protectress), 2021

30 x 60 inches

Acrylic paint and acrylic collage on panel

Oh, Wise Counselor, 2021

Oh, Wise Counselor, 2021

24 x 24 inches

Acrylic paint, paper collage, acrylic collage, and silver leaf on panel

[Detail] Oh, Wise Counselor, 2021

[Detail] Oh, Wise Counselor, 2021

24 x 24 inches

Acrylic paint, paper collage, acrylic collage, and silver leaf on panel

Septem, 2022

Septem, 2022

30 x 40 inches

Acrylic paint, paper collage, and acrylic collage on panel

Septem, 2022

Septem, 2022

30 x 40 inches

Acrylic paint, paper collage, and acrylic collage on panel

A Terrible Verdure, 2022

A Terrible Verdure, 2022

18 x 18 inches

Acrylic paint, paper collage, and acrylic collage on canvas

[Detail] A Terrible Verdure, 2022

[Detail] A Terrible Verdure, 2022

18 x 18 inches

Acrylic paint, paper collage, and acrylic collage on canvas

Lethe, 2021

Lethe, 2021

12 x 12 inches

Acrylic paint, paper collage, and acrylic collage on canvas

[Detail] Lethe, 2021

[Detail] Lethe, 2021

12 x 12 inches

Acrylic paint, paper collage, and acrylic collage on canvas

One’s Own Dark Wood, 2021

One’s Own Dark Wood, 2021

10 x 8 inches

Acrylic paint, paper collage, and acrylic collage on canvas

[Detail] One’s Own Dark Wood, 2021

[Detail] One’s Own Dark Wood, 2021

10 x 8 inches

Acrylic paint, paper collage, and acrylic collage on canvas

One of Many, 2020

One of Many, 2020

48 x 48 inches

Acrylic paint and acrylic collage on panel

Unmade, 2021

Unmade, 2021

24 x 24 inches

Acrylic paint, acrylic collage, and silver leaf on canvas

An Immediate Family, 2020

An Immediate Family, 2020

40 x 30 inches

Acrylic paint, acrylic collage, and paper collage on canvas

Who Might He Have Been?, 2020

Who Might He Have Been?, 2020

64 x 64 inches

Acrylic paint, acrylic collage, and paper collage on canvas

Out of the Broad Warm Us, 2021

Out of the Broad Warm Us, 2021

64 x 34 inches

Acrylic paint, acrylic collage, paper collage, and silver leaf on canvas

From One Gesture to the Next, 2020

From One Gesture to the Next, 2020

40 x 30 inches

Acrylic paint and acrylic collage on panel

His Inner Eye, 2020

His Inner Eye, 2020

12 x 12 inches

Acrylic paint, paper collage, and silver leaf on panel

It Requires No Effort (The Bathers), 2020

It Requires No Effort (The Bathers), 2020

13 x 19.5 inches

Graphite and paper collage on found paper

A Cycle of Imagining and Desire, 2019

A Cycle of Imagining and Desire, 2019

24 x 24 inches

Acrylic Paint and Paper Collage on Panel

More Life and More Affection, 2018

More Life and More Affection, 2018

20 x 16 inches

Acrylic paint and paper collage on panel